Monday 27 October 2014

You never know.

We all want to be successful in life, but you never know what tommorrow has in store for you, we live to love and love to live therefore you must apprecaite everything that we have. despite loving fashion i also look around  and consider other things very important. as mush as i am inlove with fashion my family stands out in everything that i do; without them i dont think i would have fallen inlove with quality and style of fashion.

Friday 24 October 2014


The lovely darkbone with classyvintge's pride comes before fall, in spite of the flaws...all the best in exams we all conquered trying to make difference in our lives. This will determine the survival of the fittest.

Tuesday 21 October 2014

A woman of style in fashion.

People tend to tell me that i am crazy when i walk around wearing my different style of fashion , i am comfortable and yes i know that i am sexy in my unique clothing. I always consider myself as a different individual that is a young adult hoping to achieve alot one day!

Wednesday 15 October 2014

For the love of fashion

Do not envy what looks perfect...

Let your being breath :)
Please like my  facebook page Fashion That Dares To Care.

My personality reflects on what i wear :)

Friday 3 October 2014

I am blessed.

"So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day"2 Corinthians 4:16...Wish you all a blessed weekend.


Friday 19 September 2014

Now Congratulate her :)

 Pillar of my strenght, she inspires me in everything. she completed her Degree at the University of the Western Cape and now she was celebrating her Honor's Degree I am proud.

Monday 15 September 2014


Africa here my cry
The world has come into an end
What happened to Ubuntu?
There were times when you'd meet someone
 and fall in love with and be together
  live the happily ever after,
 look at this time that we live in now
 children are abusing alcohol,
 boys are sleeping around messes up with the girls that
 they promised to love through every obstacle.
 I am scared and sometimes i think of leaving my Africa,
 can I go to Pluto? no its too hot i cant handle the heat.
 where do I run to?
am I a beautiful tree with deep roots?
 I think relationship is a journey and
 the power of love keeps the bond of couples,
 I am not trying to be doctor love but this has just crossed my mind.
I just want everyone to now that the greatness is on the edge of distraction,
 there are people out there
 who will try to bring you down and when you are almost over,
 be strong enough to say
This is some 'random thoght' that I thought I should share.

Monday 8 September 2014

Adapt or stay behind!

 We all know that it's Spring now and Summer is just around the corner, but still you do not know what to wear? well worry not its never too late to be updated. Follow Aphiwe AP Faku on facebook and  like his page" Fashion instyle". It's either you adapt or stay behind so since I'm a liker of things I refuse to stay behind  I liked his page, He is a sophisticated gentleman.

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Hello Spring!

New season, new treads now it is time to rock our floral dresses, bucket hats and all our colourful outfits.

Tuesday 26 August 2014

My Inspiration# APHIWE#

Some make it happen, some watch it happen and some say what happened? people who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it. Dont be afraid your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin. Remember there is absolutely nothing stopping you from ssucceeding in life but yourself, Its usually too much  work, efford, responsibility or willpower to do anything. The best place to find a helping  hand is at the end of your own arm but i also found it in you.

 Every experience in my life good or bad, happy or sad make me stronger simply because you have come into my life and inspire me, you may not notice it but it happend, you didn't know that right? well now you know. Oh! wait i am thankful because you made me who i am today.

 I am not yet done Oh! hear me, my love is unconditional fogive me :)

Wednesday 13 August 2014

She is following my foot steps!

 8 years ago I got the joy of meeting  my flumfy, the reason I pray and hustle for a better life. The soul that got me to grow up, my everything. God bless me with my more days so I can raise her. My life has changed ever since I met her, the best and most important part of my life. My sister's daughter whom i consider as my own daughter, Siyamthanda Angel Moni,  Ohw wait! As she was busy dancing for Wiggle by Jason Derulo ft Snoop Dog at Capegate Mall friday last week she was approached by Kids Division manager to join the moddeling agency because he noticed that she is an active kid who is confident in everything she does. Her 1st shoot will be on Sunday, I am very proud and my love for her is unconditional. She is 8years old and she attends school at Aristea Laeskool doing grade 3.

 I never had any dull moment with her all she does is dance, sing, take photos and tell me stories. She can talk the whole day, she is really my super star!


Monday 21 July 2014

The launch continues...

Remember it was also help at Cape Town, please do wait for the pictures :)

The launch continues....

Place : Cape Town

Time : during the day

Date :30 June 2014

Please do wait for the coming pictures of the launch that was held at Cape Town.

The launch of my blog

Place :304 Durban Road, The Bridge Shop 11Oakdale Bellville

Time : 10hoo

Date : 30 June 2014

who that girl?

The lovely darkbone with classy vintage is about fashion and style, i am fighting the skhothane influence that destroys South African youth. work hard to be where you want to be as an individual, change your situation by your hard works, do not forget your background and try to fit into some groups that affords staff bettter than you.

I inspire young children who still want to find themselves, i  want them to know that if they comfortable on what they wear the price dont really matter.

I believed, I could so i did

These were the words that i used to launch my blog.
When lauching my blog i used the streets of Cape Town and the studios of CCA.

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Hitting the streets of Cape Town

The beauty is not just a name, it is a statement being made. If it's not me who?
#show off even if it's winter#

I vanished

I disappeared not because I wanted to but I had to, when you up to something you need to plan, well I was planning the launch of my blog, I went around Cape Town trying to understand what Capetonians think about fashion and style.  Watch the space the best is yet to come J

Friday 16 May 2014

Determination and Organisation

I have a penchant for writting, i attribute this to my parents who where both supportive and encouraged me to read  and write from a tender age. By the time i was a  toddler, i could read and write, and i woud spend my spare time cuddled up on the floor trying to make sense of high school textbooks while my peers were out playing in the sandpit. when writting, at times i get so enthusiastic that i hardly realize what i am trying to put across. my fingers fly over the keyboard and ideas just pour from my head. later when i go through the hodgepodge of scribbled ideas , i invariably notice themes. Evaluating these themes help me decipher my bottled-up emotions and interpret my characters . In stories, the characters express my viewpoint. Opinion essays on the other hand demonstrate my values. I believe that physical appearances are not the best yardstick for evaluating who a person really is. My personality, ambition,and what i love doing should be the best criteria for defining my identity.One should never be worried that they do not know everything about themselves, as we continuosly learning and discovering new aspects of ourselves. Personaly, i am satisfied knowing that  personality is a gateway into knowing whom people truly are. Through the personality i exhibit, people can percieve how i am. My friends see more as caring and generous willing to go extra mile fore them.