Wednesday 13 August 2014

She is following my foot steps!

 8 years ago I got the joy of meeting  my flumfy, the reason I pray and hustle for a better life. The soul that got me to grow up, my everything. God bless me with my more days so I can raise her. My life has changed ever since I met her, the best and most important part of my life. My sister's daughter whom i consider as my own daughter, Siyamthanda Angel Moni,  Ohw wait! As she was busy dancing for Wiggle by Jason Derulo ft Snoop Dog at Capegate Mall friday last week she was approached by Kids Division manager to join the moddeling agency because he noticed that she is an active kid who is confident in everything she does. Her 1st shoot will be on Sunday, I am very proud and my love for her is unconditional. She is 8years old and she attends school at Aristea Laeskool doing grade 3.

 I never had any dull moment with her all she does is dance, sing, take photos and tell me stories. She can talk the whole day, she is really my super star!


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