Monday 15 September 2014


Africa here my cry
The world has come into an end
What happened to Ubuntu?
There were times when you'd meet someone
 and fall in love with and be together
  live the happily ever after,
 look at this time that we live in now
 children are abusing alcohol,
 boys are sleeping around messes up with the girls that
 they promised to love through every obstacle.
 I am scared and sometimes i think of leaving my Africa,
 can I go to Pluto? no its too hot i cant handle the heat.
 where do I run to?
am I a beautiful tree with deep roots?
 I think relationship is a journey and
 the power of love keeps the bond of couples,
 I am not trying to be doctor love but this has just crossed my mind.
I just want everyone to now that the greatness is on the edge of distraction,
 there are people out there
 who will try to bring you down and when you are almost over,
 be strong enough to say
This is some 'random thoght' that I thought I should share.

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