Thursday 24 April 2014

who i am

I am a person that will continuosly change, and i will leave room for myself to do so. I am an immensely open minded individual who enjoys debating on the many controversial topics that exist in our world. I am a creative thinker, and a dreamer. I value intelligence and find it to be the most attractivetrait that a person can have. I hope one day to travel to many places and seee all that this beautiful world has to offer. I enjoy art, philosophical conversations and deep sentimental movies. I am an insecure human being and can only hope to continue tostay motivated in order to reach my dreams and find a place where i will not only belong, but also be able to make a difference.


  1. i like how you picture yourself as an individual and the fact that have dreamz, determined to achieve them also that you want to make a difference

    1. aah! thank you so much, my dreams keeps me going each and everyday.

  2. That's the best brief description I've read thus far about oneself, I have to admit that it has been with me the entire day since I've read it this morning

  3. i like the person you are and don't change no matter what. god will help you reach your dreams and your destination.
