Friday 16 May 2014

Determination and Organisation

I have a penchant for writting, i attribute this to my parents who where both supportive and encouraged me to read  and write from a tender age. By the time i was a  toddler, i could read and write, and i woud spend my spare time cuddled up on the floor trying to make sense of high school textbooks while my peers were out playing in the sandpit. when writting, at times i get so enthusiastic that i hardly realize what i am trying to put across. my fingers fly over the keyboard and ideas just pour from my head. later when i go through the hodgepodge of scribbled ideas , i invariably notice themes. Evaluating these themes help me decipher my bottled-up emotions and interpret my characters . In stories, the characters express my viewpoint. Opinion essays on the other hand demonstrate my values. I believe that physical appearances are not the best yardstick for evaluating who a person really is. My personality, ambition,and what i love doing should be the best criteria for defining my identity.One should never be worried that they do not know everything about themselves, as we continuosly learning and discovering new aspects of ourselves. Personaly, i am satisfied knowing that  personality is a gateway into knowing whom people truly are. Through the personality i exhibit, people can percieve how i am. My friends see more as caring and generous willing to go extra mile fore them.